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What to write when there is nothing to write?

I’m finishing the last elements of my nearly ready to launch website. I’ve sat down a number of times to do this and it just doesn’t seem to be happening. There’s no concern about it, just interest. I know that creativity flows freely when nothing interferes and when there’s nothing in particular that wants to be shared, nothing comes. Everything is in transition, everything has its timing. 

So here I sit in a cafe being with the ‘nothing coming’, looking out of the window and taking in the myriad of 2 leggeds outside bathing in the glow of the February sunshine, wrapped up in puffers and scarfs, sipping their hot drinks, nibbling at cookies, chatting, laughing, sharing moments together that are also in transition, moving from, through and into. Then I’m gifted with witnessing a beautiful moment of loving humanity. A lady who’s with her guide dog stands up from her table but is having difficulty getting oriented. I can’t 100% say for sure but it appears that she can’t see with her eyes and the table is tucked in very close to a bush. Her 4 legged guide and companion is getting caught in the branches and she’s finding it tricky to get her footing. I feel a hesitation in the air from the people at the tables close to her. Does that come from being afraid to embarrass the other person? A fear of ‘saying the wrong thing?’ I can’t think that it’s anything else because I believe that at heart that everyone’s kind – lost maybe, but kind. Then just as several of our bottoms start to lift from our seats, a man with a gentle energy bounds over and has a lovely conversation with her. I can’t hear because I’m inside but I can see him explaining which direction is which. There’s thanks, a goodbye, he goes back to his table and she wanders off with her beautifully calm 4 legged. However, a few moments later, she’s standing at the edge of the road that’s pretty busy and is hesitating as though waiting to cross, except she’s not at a crossing and the cars don’t stop. The same man jumps back up, glances at his backpack on the chair, gets a nod from other 2 leggeds, as if to say, ‘We’ve got it, you go’ and walks back over to her. He then stops the traffic, safely walks them to the other side, helps orient her and she and her companion stroll off. He comes back to be greeted not only by his backpack but by his 2 legged and 4 legged companions. Sweetly humble.

And life goes on. On the terrace there are 2 buddies probably in their late 60’s, one enjoying a carrot cake and medium coffee, the other a hot sausage roll and large coffee, matching white beards, vibrant conversation, listening, nodding, eating. Beside them two students alive with possibility, in between lessons/work, fresh faced, rosy cheeked, gesticulating with enthusiasm. An elderly couple arm in arm, helping each other up the steps, fingers in pockets searching for masks, he queues up, she struts off to bag a preciously sort after outdoor table. Electric wheelers race by, joggers speed along, a baby held in a baby carrier bobs up and down in union with parent, 4 leggeds sniffing their way down the lane whilst 2 leggeds stroke them in love and affection and at the same time 2 leggeds enter into a never ending stream to order their caffe macchiato, caffe latte with soy, chai latte with oat milk, flat white, hot chocolate with whipped cream or without, muffin, cookie, small, medium, large, lid, no lid, extra hot, no foam……’ Just this, this moment of living is a luxury. Having this almost crazy choice is a luxury and privilege and at the same time simply sitting in the sunlight without any of this choice is a luxury. Talking and hearing is a luxury, having sunglasses, hats, scarves, tables and chairs to sit at is a luxury…….and I thought there was nothing to write but I’m guessing I was wrong. 

A time of witnessing the beauty of every 2 legged being, every 4 legged companion in communion. We’re unique, amazing, a breathtaking creation that seems to have somehow forgotten just how special we are. Won’t it be lovely when we remember again that so that we can be kind to ourselves and everyone else. It’s coming, I’m sure. I feel it.

Time to stop typing now and go home to be with my beautiful husband – that’s a luxury, not only to be married but to be married to such a very special person, to have not only a home to go to but a home with running water, a roof that does’t leak, a garden, a bed….the list goes on. Yes luxury and privilege and I appreciate it all beyond words. 

Until the next time…ciao salut bye bye. Go be you. I love you.