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You Are Beautiful

An image is enough to make us pause & reflect. An image that’s true, that’s honest, that’s natural. It’s not ours to hold on to, it’s ours to share & enjoy. That’s the essence of this site. Nature generously shares her beauty with me, I share it with you & in reciprocity, we ‘gift forward’ to two local non-profits. To discover the ‘raison d’être’ for this site, simply turn the page……

Close up & Intimate

Sometimes we can forget the beauty of ourselves and of life, this site is a dive back into remembering. Welcome to you….

Italian Gardens

Italian Gardens



Black & White

Black & White


Life is experiential & ‘Soundings’ are simply me sharing with you from that place of experience as I’m nudged to. I chat in writing & video never really knowing what’s coming. It’s fun & it’s simple…shall we?